Monday, March 28, 2016

So You’re Ready to Sell Your Home?

It’s the beginning of the year and you’ve decided that it’s time to sell. Maybe it’s your first home and you have no idea what to expect or maybe you’re a seasoned pro in selling homes and you need a refresher! Selling your home can quickly become an overwhelming process especially without consulting a real estate professional. Here’s some tips to get started before you get anxious:

  1. Interview, Interview, Interview!
    Don’t just hire someone because they’re your friend or referred by someone. Definitely sit down with multiple real estate agents to find the best fit for you. Do they know your area statistics? Are they equipped to market your home effectively? Do they do the things that are important to you? Are they willing to communicate with you every week about feedback, new marketing, new or just sold homes in your neighborhood and more? What do they want to price your home at and do they have comparables to back that price up? Get someone who is qualified because the process will be so much more tedious with an ill equipped real estate agent!
  2. Declutter!
    You knew I was going to say it, but you absolutely need to start decluttering. You’re moving anyway, why not get a jump to put your house in the best condition possible for the best photos and showings? Use bins for Keep, Sell, Donate and of course trash cans/bags for things that just are beyond repair. You’ll thank yourself in the days before moving when you have less to pack because you’ve already done a lot of the dirty work!
  3. Clean!
    It’s really important to get your home in tip top shape. You can hire a professional cleaning service or do it yourself, but all homes need a good deep cleaning especially before you’ll have people walking in to critique your home on a daily basis. Remember you want to keep it clean for the duration of the listing process, so if you have kids or pets, keep in mind what you can actually keep up with. Your home should always be in “show ready condition,” because you never know when you’ll get a call from a potential buyer only 15 minutes away.
  4. Remove Personalized Items!
    One of the hardest (and necessary) next steps to do is de-personalizing. You want the buyer to walk through the home and envision themselves living there, not you. Remove family photos, calendars, kid’s art etc. As sad as it may be for you to do, you want to take the home out of your house.
  5. Remember That a Little Goes a Long Way!
    You don’t have to completely change your house to get it ready for the For Sale sign out front especially if your real estate agent hasn’t suggested any major changes to paint, landscaping, or flooring. Remember all those things you said you were going to do? Fix a leaky faucet, replace a mismatched door knob, tighten the screws in the door hinges, etc? Finally take the time to do them. They won’t cost you much, but they will put your home in even better condition!
Try to relax through this process! It’s not easy, but consult with your real estate agent. They’re the professional and they’ll further advise you if you have questions! Hope you got some good tips for getting ready to sell your home!

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